The Wind-Up Diva
THE VOC@LOiD 超 M@STER 28(超ボーマス3)にてリリースされた1st album。(2014.4.26発売)
1st album released by THE VOC@LOiD SUPER M@STER 28 (on sale from April 26, 2014).
This songs on this album are a special selection of 14 songs from among the 20 uploaded weekly during the first 20 weeks from August of 2013.
Jacket illustrations by Yukke Hayashi.
01 アネモネにさよならを[Farewell to Anemone]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
02 勇者になれない僕ら[We’ll Never Be Brave]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
03 タイトロープドリーマー[Tightrope Dreamer]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
04 君と月とキンモクセイ[You, the Moon and Osmanthus]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
05 道化師のパズル[Jester’s Puzzle]
06 大惨事ぼっち戦争[Tragic Lonely Warrior]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
07 絶叫ジャッジメント[Screaming Judgment]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
08 吐心感情戦[Emotion Express]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
09 ピアノデイズ[Piano Days]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
10 無限の画用紙[Unlimited Canvas]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
11 絶対零度ファンク[Absolute Zero Funk]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
12 赤と黒の最終爆撃[Red/Black Final Attack]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
13 深海なる新世界[Deep New World]
14 さよなら2013[Sayonara, 2013]
(NicoNico Douga)(YouTube)
Samples of the included songs can be listened to at Crossfade Douga!